'BRAG' invites people to private venues to attend stylish black tie events with people from their social network, with tables of poker going on through the night. The idea of 'Brag' was thought of by my client at university in Durham.'BRAG' anonymously invites a group of people through email, SMS or post to the events. People receiving the invites are unaware “who” exactly BRAG is so it is important that the logo looks impressive and trustworthy but also mysterious. The events are for people in their 20s and early 30s who work and live in London, with a bit of money to spend. What also must be stressed is the nights are not really comparable to a casino or "gambling" type vibe, but more an upmarket, private, Monte Carlo vibe. Description Legend has it that in Old English Folklore, there is an old spirit called a 'Brag' that appeared in Durham and Northumberland in the UK! "A brag is a creature from the folklore of Northumberland and Durham that usually takes the form of a horse or donkey. It is fond of tricking unwary wayfarers into riding on its back before throwing the rider into a pool of water or bush, afterward running off laughing, much like the Bäckahästen (brook horse) or kelpie. The brag is also said to have appeared as a calf with a neckerchief, a naked headless man, and even four men carrying a sheet. Keywords: Luxury, Sophisticated, Mysterious, Enigmatic